Kemah, TX - April 11, 2010

29:42 Swim (1:59 / 100 M)
2:41 T1
1:12:46 Bike (20.6 MPH)
1:27 T2
55:08 (8:54 min/Mi)
Total 2:41:25
14th out of 38 in AG
This was the first Triathlon of the season. This was also my first ever Olympic Distance Triathlon !!!
This was also the first time i ran since I pulled my calf almost 2 months ago. And it really showed.
This was a great race. First, it was in Kemah, a great location for it. It was also very well put together.
This was the first time I raced with my Wetsuit !!!
The swim was awesome. We got into these awesome cruise boats that took us 1 mile out, dropped us, and the race was on... I felt great in the swim, i probably pushed a bit more than i should. Towards the end, coming into shore, the waves and currents somehow got to me, and once i got out of the water, i felt disoriented. That was very strange, first time i ever felt that way. And it took a very long time for it to go away, for me to feel better... I did 29:42 for the .93 Mi swim.
Transition was a couple blocks away, all carpeted though...
I got on the bike and off i went. The first pass-through the bridge was almost immediate, out and back, which didnt help with getting myself straightened out. It actually took until almost half way through the bike for me to start feeling better, and begin to hammer it. I ended up with 20.6 MPH for the 25 Mi Bike.
T2 was fine and off I went to the run.
First time running 6.2 miles... it was hot by that time, and I immediately could feel the lack of training on my legs. I went through the beautiful course with a steady, slow approach and finished with an 8:54 min/Mi for a Total time of 2:41:25.
This was a fantastic race and I cant wait for next year !!!